What is WDP? 


As of 1 July 2017, an exciting opportunity called The Work and Development Permit Scheme (WDP) has been made available for those who seek to pay off their debts in a non-financial and meaningful way by choosing your preferred activity.

The types of activities that a person can undertake to pay off their debts includes: (listed in bold are options provided by the Break):

  • unpaid work*
  • treatment given by a doctor, nurse or psychologist
  • courses, including educational, vocational or life skills courses
  • counselling, including financial, vocational, or other types of counselling*
  • substance abuse counselling*
  • mentoring (for a person under 25 years of age)
The Break operates from offices shared by allied health professionals (including psychologists) and such psychological counselling can be arranged if desired.

WDP Eligibility


You must be under the supervision of an approved sponsor – A sponsor is an organisation or a health practitioner accredited by the Director, Fines Victoria.

You must must also have one or more of the following:

  • have a mental or intellectual disability, disorder or illness, (e.g., letter from GP/counsellor)
  • have dependency to substance, alcohol or a volatile substance, (e.g., letter from GP/counsellor)
  • be experiencing homelessness,  (e.g., letter from homelessness service)
  • be experiencing acute financial hardship, (e.g., Centrelink healthcare card)
  • be the victim of family violence (e.g., letter from GP or Domestic violence service)

Please contact our office on 1300 819 111 or email info@thebreak.org.au if you have questions or require assistance with your application.

Once we receive your completed consent form and application, our friendly staff will register you with the WDP headquarters. Once approved, our staff will call you to arrange a pre-interview so we can get you started on the WDP Scheme with us

WDP Rejection Reasons

  • a person has been served a seven day notice in relation to the fine and the seven day notice period has expired
  • the person has been arrested
  • property has been seized in relation to the fine, or
  • the fine is a court fine.

WDP Alternatives to Deal with Fines


The most appropriate option to deal with fines will depend on a person’s circumstances. To help decide which option is the most suitable, a person may wish to seek legal advice, for example, by contacting a community legal centre via the Federation of Community Legal Centres (External link) or Victoria Legal Aid (External link)

WDP Guidelines


The WDP scheme is established under Part 2A of the Fines Reform Act 2014. The scheme is supported by the WDP Guidelines. The WDP Guidelines are made by the Attorney-General under section 10L of the Fines Reform Act 2014 and set out certain requirements and details relating to the scheme.

Work and Development Permit guidelines and consent form (External Link)

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